Below you will find a list of items/conditions that our current ARC members typically look for during their inspections every two weeks.

Our most common ARC violations?

Try to avoid these:


* garbage cans and recycling bins visible from the street

*  cars parked on the grass

*  commercial vehicles parked overnight

*  a need for pressure washing and/or paint

*  fence repair

*  mailbox replacement

*  overgrown landscaping

ARC's friendly reminder about Charleston's nuisance pet laws 

Charleston County residents may want to keep their barking dog quiet and their yard 

clean after a livability ordinance was passed that will allow people to report neighbors to police if they deem them a nuisance

All residents are entitled to their rights of "quiet enjoyment" so...Please be aware when your pet is barking - a minute is one thing, but constant  or intermittent barking can be very annoying --if you have tried to mention it to your offending neighbor and it persists, then see the numbers below for reporting.

The City of Charleston pet ordinances and our Canterbury Woods covenants require that all pets be restrained with a leash and under owner control within the public rights-of-way or on public property. Dogs shall be kept on a leash or otherwise confined in a manner whenever outside the dwelling. Canterbury Woods does not have any off leash, dog run areas -no pets are to be on the tennis or basketball courts nor at the pool or play park areas.

Owners are responsible for cleaning up after their pets on all areas in Canterbury Woods (and Charleston County and City) including common areas wooded areas(that may not appear to be walked on or owned by someone)streets and power easements. Our common areas and play parks are there for the enjoyment of everyone and should not be hampered by piles of dog/cat waste not to mention the unhealthy conditions that occur from this owner neglect. Unknown to most, cats are also required to be confined to owner's property as well. A collar is required with a current rabies tag and a city license. 

Any violations are ticketable offenses which carry fines (City of Charleston) starting at $158.00. The Animal Services Unit strives to educate residents to be responsible pet owners in an attempt to prevent issuing citations, especially in today's economy. Another common issue is residents failing to pick up after their pets which can carry a fine of up to $500.00. For further information or to report violations regarding these areas, please contact the City of Charleston Animal Control Division at 720-3915. The Animal Control officers can respond properly to these complaints and can issue warnings or fines. Thank you for your observance of these rules and ordinances.

Sec. 5-16. - Acts deemed public nuisance.

It shall be unlawful for any dog owner to keep or have within the city a dog that habitually or repeatedly chases, snaps at, attacks or barks at pedestrians, bicyclists or vehicles, or turns over garbage pails, or damages gardens, flowers or vegetables or conducts itself so as to be a public nuisance, or to permit a female dog to run at large during its estrous cycle.

(Code 1975, § 5-24; Ord. No. 1976-29, § 1, 9-14-76)

Sec. 5-18. - Keeping of animals which disturb peace, comfort or health.

No person shall keep within the city limits any animal which by reason of frequent or continual noise or unsanitary conditions disturbs the peace, comfort or health of neighbors.

(Code 1975, § 5-29; Ord. No. 1976-29, § 1, 9-14-7


Use Smartwebs Resident Portal to submit ARB requests for review/approval.

The ARB committee meets in the clubhouse on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30pm.  You are encouraged to attend these meetings and volunteer your time to serve on this committee.

The ARB is empowered by the CWCA Board of Directors to ensure that the appearance of the more than 300 homes and properties of our community is maintained to the high standards that initially attracted each of us to Canterbury Woods. The ARC's responsibilities, which are outlined in the Covenants, include two main areas:
  • reviewal and approval of all property additions/modifications
  • ensure resident compliance with the Covenants and Restrictions

All planned modifications to the exterior of homes, including fences, must be approved in writing by the ARC prior to obtaining permits from the appropriate government agency. Failure on the part of the homeowner to obtain ARC approval prior to construction is considered a violation of the Covenants. Confirmation by the ARC of legitimate Covenant violations will result in the following:

  • Registered notification letter sent to homeowner indicating violation - 30 days allowed for compliance
  • Continuation of violation results in a daily penalty of up to $25/day plus attorney's fees until corrected
  • A lien against resident's property will be place by the CWCA attorney should the violation persist and the penalties be unpaid

Should you have any questions regarding activities of the ARC or about the Covenants and Restrictions, please contact a member of the Board, or attend one of the ARC monthly meetings held the 2nd Monday of each month.


Clarification of the description of Commerical Vehicles:

ARC Definition of Commercial Vehicle ? February 2003

In reference to the enforcement of the neighborhood covenants, the Architectural Review Committee defines commercial vehicles as those which are not designed to be used for customary, personal/family purposes. These shall be identified by one or more of the following characteristics:

1. Commercial type lettering on the sides of the vehicle, or other permanent attachments to the vehicle designed for commercial purposes, including attached roof signs, ladder racks, or other equipment. Police cars are exempted from this rule.

2. A size or type of vehicle which is not typical for personal vehicles. This includes tractor trailers, trucks other than pickup trucks, tow trucks, hazardous materials vehicles, large farm equipment, buses, limousines for hire, construction equipment, and similar vehicles.

3. Other vehicles, determined at the discretion of ARC, which are clearly commercial in nature. ARC shall state in writing the reason for its decision on these cases.